Secretariat: ANSI (United States)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2029):Mr Stephen A. Best
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 1996
Standardization of terminology, ratings, general principles (technical performance requirements and risk assessment), safety requirements, test methods, maintenance and operation for elevating work platforms used to raise (elevate) and position personnel (and related work tools and materials) to a work position where a work task is to be performed.
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This committee contributes with 14 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
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ISO/TC 214 - Secretariat
ANSI (United States)
American National Standards Institute
1899 L St NW, 11th Floor
Washington 20036 DC
United States
Washington 20036 DC
United States
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Email: info@ansi.org
Web: https://ansi.org/