The electronic version of this Guide can be downloaded from the ISO/IEC Directives and Guides web page.
This document provides guidance to standards developers on how to take account of climate change in the planning, drafting, revision and updating of ISO standards and other deliverables.
It outlines a framework and general principles that standards developers can use to develop their own approach to addressing climate change on a subject-specific basis.
It aims to enable standards developers to include adaptation to climate change (ACC) and climate change mitigation (CCM) considerations in their standardization work. Considerations related to ACC are intended to contribute to increasing preparedness and disaster reduction as well as impacting the resilience of organizations and their technologies, activities or products (TAPs). Considerations related to CCM consist primarily of approaches that seek to avoid, reduce or limit the release of GHG emissions and/or increase GHG removals.
Informaciones generales
Estado: PublicadoFecha de publicación: 2020-07Etapa: Norma Internacional para revisar [90.92]
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 61
Comité Técnico :ISO/TMBG
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Esta norma contribuye a
- Lograr la neutralidad climática: Mitigación / Emisiones de GEI; Remoción de GEI; Neutralidad en carbono y cero neto; Captura del carbono y emisiones negativas;
- Resiliencia y adaptación: Impactos y riesgos climáticos; Adaptación al cambio climático;
- Integrar la acción climática en materia de gobernanza y gestión: Financiamiento climático; Clima y gobernanza de las empresas;
The electronic version of this Guide can be downloaded from the ISO/IEC Directives and Guides web page.
Próxima versión en desarrollo
ISO/DGuide 84
ISO/DGuide 84
Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards
Ciclo de vida
Será reemplazada por
En desarrolloISO/DGuide 84