Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 6789-1
Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Hand torque tools — Part 1: Requirements and methods for design conformance testing and quality conformance testing: minimum requirements for declaration of conformance
Reference number
ISO/CD 6789-1
Edition 2
Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 6789-1
El comité está revisando un borrador.
Reemplazará ISO 6789-1:2017


ISO 6789-1:2017 specifies the conformance testing and marking requirements for hand torque tools used for controlled tightening of screws and nuts. It also specifies the minimum requirements for declaration of conformance for hand torque tools.

ISO 6789-1:2017 applies to hand torque tools which are classified as indicating torque tools (Type I) and setting torque tools (Type II).

NOTE Hand torque tools covered by this document are those identified in ISO 1703:2005 by reference numbers 6 1 00 11 0, 6 1 00 11 1 and 6 1 00 12 0, 6 1 00 12 1 and 6 1 00 14 0, 6 1 00 15 0. ISO 1703 is currently under revision. In the next edition, torque tools will be moved to an own clause, and with this change the reference numbers will also change and additional reference numbers will be added.

ISO 6789-1:2017 does not specify requirements of calibration certificates for hand torque tools. These are described in ISO 6789‑2.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : CD aprobado para su registro como DIS [30.99]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 29/SC 10
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