Projet de comité
ISO/CD 19424
Casiers réfrigérés pour aliments — Performance thermique et énergétique, évaluation, conditions d’essai environnementales et méthodes d’essai associées
Numéro de référence
ISO/CD 19424
Edition 1
Projet de comité
ISO/CD 19424
Examen du projet par le comité en cours.


This standard specifies requirements for the thermal and energy performance of refrigerated food lockers, in given environmental conditions and intended for the temporary cold storage of chilled or frozen pre-ordered or pre-selected foodstuff until the final collection by the consumer. The standard also covers construction characteristics relevant for the thermal and energy performance. This standards specifies tests conditions and methods for checking the requirements to be satisfied, as well as classification of refrigerated lockers, their marking and the list of characteristics to be declared by the manufacturer. This standard is not applicable to refrigerated vending machines, It is also not applicable for commercial beverage coolers covered by ISO 22044, ice cream freezers covered by ISO 22043 and refrigerated display cabinets covered by ISO 23953 as well as to cabinets intended for storage or cabinets intended for use, for instance, in catering or non-retail refrigerated applications. The standard does not cover any safety aspects. The standard is not intended to specify the correct and/or hygienically safe storage temperatures for a specific foodstuff.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Clôture de la période des observations [30.60]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 7
  • RSS mises à jour

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