Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 23308-1
Energy efficiency of industrial trucks — Test methods — Part 1: General
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 23308-1
Edition 2
Projet final Norme internationale
ISO/FDIS 23308-1
Indisponible en français
Projet au stade approbation.
Remplacera ISO 23308-1:2020


This document specifies general test criteria and requirements to measure the energy consumption for self-propelled industrial trucks (hereinafter referred to as trucks) during operation. For electric trucks, the efficiency of the battery and the battery charger is included.

The truck specific requirements in ISO 23308‑2 and ISO 23308‑3 take precedence over the respective requirements of ISO 23308‑1.

This document is applicable to the in-use phase of the product life cycle.

It applies to the following truck types according to ISO 5053‑1:

— counterbalance lift truck;

— articulated counterbalance lift truck;

— reach truck (with retractable mast or fork arm carriage);

— straddle truck;

— pallet-stacking truck;

— pallet truck;

— platform and stillage truck;

— pallet truck end controlled;

— order-picking truck;

— centre-controlled order-picking truck;

— towing, pushing tractor and burden carrier;

— towing and stacking tractor;

— side-loading truck (one side only);

— variable-reach container handler;

— counterbalance container handler;

— lateral-stacking truck (both sides);

— lateral-stacking truck (three sides);

— multi-directional lift truck.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Epreuve envoyée au secrétariat ou mise au vote du FDIS: 8 semaines [50.20]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 110/SC 5
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