Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 23704-4
General requirements for cyber-physically controlled smart machine tool systems (CPSMT) — Part 4: Requirements and guidelines for implementing reference architecture of CPSMT for subtractive manufacturing
Numéro de référence
ISO/DIS 23704-4
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 23704-4
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.


This document specifies an implementation architecture (IA) of CPSMT for implementing functional architecture (FA) given in ISO 23704-2 including - Implementation architecture for CPCM, - Implementation architecture for CSSM and - Interface architecture of CPSMT. This document provides an implementation guideline (IG) of CPSMT including - Information model of CPSMT for CPCM and CSSM, - Communication model of CPSMT for CPCM and CSSM, - Integration model of CPSMT and - Digitalization model of CPSMT. This document also includes use cases for CPCM, CSSM, UIS (Unified Interface System), SFDS (Shop Floor Device System), SFCS (Shop Floor Control System).

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