As an international corporation that does the majority of its business in markets outside of Germany, Dräger has a long history of developing global product standards in the fields of medical and safety technology. Here, the company’s management tells us how a culture of standards has made the brand one of the most successful today.
Hi-tech heats up
Innovation… What does it mean? How do you inspire it? And which innovations are poised to make the biggest impact?
What was sci-fi yesterday is reality today, as innovations we once saw only in movies have become commonplace technology.
In this issue, we hone in on innovation. We point out some examples of technologies and concepts that originated in science-fiction, but can now be found in everyday life. From drones to additive manufacturing or nanotechnologies, standards are being developed to help develop solutions. It is from these solutions that advanced technologies continue to thrive to create efficiencies and simplify our worlds.
May/June 2015
Hi-tech heats up
What was sci-fi yesterday is reality today. We point out some examples of technologies and concepts that originated in science-fiction, but can now be found in everyday life.
More than just plastic bottles
With around 250 million tonnes of plastics consumed worldwide, ensuring the highest possible levels of safety is one of the industry's greatest priorities.
Here, as the new Chair of the ISO technical committee for plastics and rubber machines, Claudio Celata shares his thoughts about the industry, its exponential growth, and why uniform and consistent standards are important.
Plastics have become essential in a wide range of sectors.
Claudio Claudio, Chair of ISO/TC 270
Also in this issue
About ISOfocus
Published in English, French and Spanish six times per year, ISOfocus is your gateway to International Standards. Whether a multinational enterprise faced with major decisions or a small business looking for ideas, ISOfocus seeks to provide both the kind of overviews that strategic planners need and the little details that can make a big difference.
ISO Update, Supplement
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