The challenge of how we’ll feed the exploding world population in the future – in a sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way – is seeding an agricultural revolution. Welcome to farming of the future : a hi-tech, capital-intensive system of growing food sustainably and cleanly for the masses.
Smart farming
The agricultural sector is set to face enormous challenges in order to feed the 9.6 billion people that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts are going to inhabit the planet by 2050.
So what’s the solution? Welcome to smart farming.
This issue examines how high-tech farming techniques and technologies can improve production output while minimizing cost and preserving resources. Among the experts interviewed are agricultural machinery companies, United Nations leaders and standards professionals from around the world, in fields ranging from climate-smart farming to sustainable cocoa and nutritious dairy production.
May/June 2017
Smart farming
We examines how high-tech farming techniques and technologies can improve production output while minimizing cost and preserving resources.
The ISOBUS standard (ISO 11783) allows our customers to connect devices of different equipment manufacturers to ‘talk’ to each other
Dr Bernhard Schmitz, Commercial Manager of Fuse Technologies at AGCO
Also in this issue
About ISOfocus
Published in English, French and Spanish six times per year, ISOfocus is your gateway to International Standards. Whether a multinational enterprise faced with major decisions or a small business looking for ideas, ISOfocus seeks to provide both the kind of overviews that strategic planners need and the little details that can make a big difference.
ISO Update, Supplement
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