Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект Этап ТК
Withdrawal of ISO/R 1542-1971
95.99 ISO/TC 78
Benzole industry — Vocabulary
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Sampling
90.93 ISO/TC 47
Benzene for industrial use — Specification
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Toluene for industrial use — Specifications
90.93 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Acid-wash test
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Test for presence of mercaptans (thiols) — Doctor test
95.99 ISO/TC 28
Petroleum products and hydrocarbon solvents - Detection of thiols and other sulfur species — Doctor test
90.60 ISO/TC 28
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Test for neutrality
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Determination of residue on evaporation of products having boiling points up to 150 degrees C
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Benzene — Determination of crystallizing point
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Toluene — Determination of hydrocarbon impurities — Gas chromatographic method
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Xylene for industrial use — Specification
90.93 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Benzene, xylene and toluene — Determination of density at 20 degrees C
95.99 ISO/TC 47
Aromatic hydrocarbons — Determination of sulphur content — Pitt-Ruprecht reduction and spectrophotometric method
90.93 ISO/TC 47

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