SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable institutions. This goal is fundamental to creating stable, fair, and prosperous societies. At ISO, we are committed to supporting SDG 16 through our standards, which provide frameworks and solutions that enhance governance, promote transparency, and support ethical practices.

How ISO Standards Support SDG 16

ISO standards play a vital role in supporting SDG 16 by addressing key aspects of organizational governance, transparency, and anti-corruption practices. Our standards help organizations implement ethical practices, improve accountability, and enhance their overall governance structures. Here are some of the relevant standards:

ISO 37001: Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

  • Provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an anti-bribery management system.
  • Helps organizations prevent, detect, and address bribery, promoting ethical business practices and supporting the fight against corruption.

ISO 37301: Compliance management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

  • Specifies requirements for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving an effective compliance management system within an organization.
  • Supports organizations in meeting their compliance obligations and managing compliance risks, contributing to more transparent and accountable institutions.

Take Action: Implement ISO Standards to Support SDG 16

Interested in learning how your organization can contribute to promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions through the implementation of ISO standards? Download our comprehensive guide to understand the role of ISO standards in achieving SDG 16 and other global goals. Together, we can work towards more peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.

This leaflet summarizes the information found in the brochure "Using and referencing ISO and IEC standards to support public policy". It briefly describes the advantages and benefits of using ISO and IEC International Standards to support policy initiatives. See also
This free brochure gives an overview of the standard and how it can impact your business.