Comité Título
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection
ISO/TC 2 Fasteners
ISO/TC 2/SC 7 Reference standards
ISO/TC 2/SC 11 Fasteners with metric external thread
ISO/TC 2/SC 12 Fasteners with metric internal thread
ISO/TC 2/SC 13 Fasteners with non-metric thread
ISO/TC 2/SC 14 Surface coatings
ISO/TC 4/SC 7 Spherical plain bearings
ISO/TC 4/SC 8 Load ratings and life
ISO/TC 8/SC 7 Inland navigation vessels
ISO/TC 10/SC 10 Process plant documentation
ISO/TC 14 Shafts for machinery and accessories
ISO/TC 17/SC 4 Heat treatable and alloy steels
ISO/TC 17/SC 10 Steel for pressure purposes
ISO/TC 20/SC 4 Aerospace fastener systems
ISO/TC 20/SC 10 Aerospace fluid systems and components
ISO/TC 21/SC 11 Smoke and heat control systems and components
ISO/TC 22/SC 31 Data communication
ISO/TC 22/SC 33 Vehicle dynamics, chassis components and driving automation systems testing
ISO/TC 22/SC 37 Electrically propelled vehicles
ISO/TC 23/SC 3 Safety and comfort
ISO/TC 23/SC 4 Tractors
ISO/TC 23/SC 19 Agricultural electronics
ISO/TC 24 Particle characterization including sieving
ISO/TC 24/SC 8 Test sieves, sieving and industrial screens
ISO/TC 29/SC 5 Grinding wheels and abrasives
ISO/TC 29/SC 9 Tools with defined cutting edges, holding tools, cutting items, adaptive items and interfaces
ISO/TC 29/SC 10 Assembly tools for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers
ISO/TC 34/SC 8 Tea
ISO/TC 35/SC 14 Protective paint systems for steel structures
ISO/TC 35/SC 16 Chemical analysis
ISO/TC 37/SC 3 Management of terminology resources
ISO/TC 37/SC 5 Translation, interpreting and related technology
ISO/TC 39/SC 6 Noise of machine tools
ISO/TC 39/SC 8 Work holding spindles and chucks
ISO/TC 43 Acoustics
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 Noise
ISO/TC 43/SC 2 Building acoustics
ISO/TC 43/SC 3 Underwater acoustics
ISO/TC 44/SC 6 Resistance welding and allied mechanical joining
ISO/TC 44/SC 8 Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes
ISO/TC 44/SC 10 Quality management in the field of welding
ISO/TC 44/SC 12 Soldering materials
ISO/TC 44/SC 13 Brazing materials and processes
ISO/TC 44/SC 14 Welding and brazing in aerospace
ISO/TC 45/SC 1 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies
ISO/TC 48 Laboratory equipment
ISO/TC 48/SC 7 Non-measuring equipment made of glass, plastic and ceramics
ISO/TC 48/SC 9 Laboratory furniture
ISO/TC 60/SC 2 Gear capacity calculation
ISO/TC 61/SC 5 Physical-chemical properties
ISO/TC 61/SC 6 Ageing, chemical and environmental resistance
ISO/TC 61/SC 14 Environmental aspects
ISO/TC 69/SC 4 Applications of statistical methods in product and process management
ISO/TC 70/SC 8 Exhaust gas emission measurement
ISO/TC 72/SC 3 Machinery for fabric manufacturing including preparatory machinery and accessories
ISO/TC 72/SC 4 Dyeing and finishing machinery and accessories
ISO/TC 72/SC 8 Safety requirements for textile machinery
ISO/TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use
ISO/TC 82 Mining
ISO/TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment
ISO/TC 83/SC 6 Martial arts
ISO/TC 85/SC 6 Reactor technology
ISO/TC 89 Wood-based panels
ISO/TC 94/SC 15 Respiratory protective devices
ISO/TC 96/SC 10 Design principles and requirements
ISO/TC 101 Continuous mechanical handling equipment
ISO/TC 106/SC 4 Dental instruments
ISO/TC 106/SC 6 Dental equipment
ISO/TC 108/SC 2 Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration and shock as applied to machines, vehicles and structures
ISO/TC 108/SC 4 Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock
ISO/TC 110 Industrial trucks
ISO/TC 110/SC 1 General terminology
ISO/TC 111/SC 1 Chains and chain slings
ISO/TC 112 Vacuum technology
ISO/TC 115/SC 2 Methods of measurement and testing
ISO/TC 119/SC 3 Sampling and testing methods for sintered metal materials (excluding hardmetals)
ISO/TC 119/SC 4 Sampling and testing methods for hardmetals
ISO/TC 121/SC 1 Breathing attachments and anaesthetic machines
ISO/TC 123/SC 2 Materials and lubricants, their properties, characteristics, test methods and testing conditions
ISO/TC 123/SC 3 Dimensions, tolerances and construction details
ISO/TC 123/SC 5 Quality analysis and assurance
ISO/TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products
ISO/TC 131/SC 1 Symbols, terminology and classifications
ISO/TC 131/SC 2 Pumps, motors and integral transmissions
ISO/TC 131/SC 3 Cylinders
ISO/TC 135/SC 3 Ultrasonic testing
ISO/TC 135/SC 5 Radiographic testing
ISO/TC 145/SC 2 Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours
ISO/TC 146 Air quality
ISO/TC 146/SC 4 General aspects
ISO/TC 146/SC 5 Meteorology
ISO/TC 146/SC 6 Indoor air
ISO/TC 147 Water quality
ISO/TC 147/SC 2 Physical, chemical and biochemical methods
ISO/TC 147/SC 4 Microbiological methods
ISO/TC 147/SC 5 Biological methods
ISO/TC 148 Sewing machines
ISO/TC 149 Cycles
ISO/TC 150 Implants for surgery
ISO/TC 150/SC 1 Materials
ISO/TC 159 Ergonomics
ISO/TC 159/SC 1 General ergonomics principles
ISO/TC 161 Controls and protective devices for gaseous and liquid fuels
ISO/TC 163/SC 1 Test and measurement methods
ISO/TC 168 Prosthetics and orthotics
ISO/TC 170 Surgical instruments
ISO/TC 172 Optics and photonics
ISO/TC 172/SC 1 Fundamental standards
ISO/TC 172/SC 4 Telescopic systems
ISO/TC 172/SC 5 Microscopes and endoscopes
ISO/TC 172/SC 7 Ophthalmic optics and instruments
ISO/TC 172/SC 9 Laser and electro-optical systems
ISO/TC 174 Jewellery and precious metals
ISO/TC 184/SC 1 Industrial cyber and physical device control
ISO/TC 190 Soil quality
ISO/TC 190/SC 3 Chemical and physical characterization
ISO/TC 190/SC 7 Impact assessment
ISO/TC 194 Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices
ISO/TC 195/SC 2 Road operation machinery and associated equipment
ISO/TC 199 Safety of machinery
ISO/TC 222 Personal financial planning
ISO/TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders
ISO/TC 261 Additive manufacturing
ISO/TC 269 Railway applications
ISO/TC 274 Light and lighting
ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology
ISO/TC 291 Domestic gas cooking appliances
ISO/TC 292/SC 1 Emergency management
ISO/TC 297 Waste collection and transportation management
ISO/TC 312 Excellence in service
ISO/TC 326 Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs
ISO/TC 347 Data-driven agrifood systems
ISO/PC 348 Sustainable raw materials